Instructor, Undergraduate Courses:

  • 1999-2006: Menoufiya Faculty of Medicine, EGYPT

            (Psycho-pharmacology, general pharmacology, seminars in pharmacology & pharmaceuticals and physiological psychology.

Instructor, Graduate Courses:

  • 2003-2006: Menoufiya Faculty of Medicine, EGYPT (Clinical psychopharmacology for house officers and neuropsychiatric doctors)


  • Fast Start Mentoring Program (PSU, 2010): FastStartPsu
  • International Peer Mentor Program (PSU, 2009): Mentoring international graduate students.
  • Peer Mentor during SfN Annual Meeting, Chicago, USA (October- 2009).
  • Mentoring a group of 5 undergraduate students through the “Research Experience for Undergraduates” program funded by The NationalScience Foundation: Penn State Upward Bound Math and Science (UBMS) Program. Heavy metals and human brain (Summer-2008).